Evolving Trends in AR Development

October 20, 2021


Augmented Reality (AR) is one of the revolutionary technologies that has transformed the way we interact with digital media. With AR, we can interact with digital objects in real-time, creating immersive experiences that blur the line between the physical and digital worlds. As AR technology evolves, new trends and developments emerge, each bringing unique features and benefits for users. In this blog post, we will explore the latest trends in AR development and how they compare to one another.

AR Tools Comparison

There are numerous AR tools available today, ranging from simple AR mobile apps to complex AR development kits. Each tool has its own advantages and disadvantages, making it important for developers to carefully consider their options before choosing a tool for their project. Here are some of the most popular AR tools and how they compare:

ARCore vs ARKit

ARCore and ARKit are two popular AR development kits offered by Google and Apple, respectively. Both tools allow developers to create AR experiences for Android and iOS devices. However, there are some differences between the two. For example, ARCore has more support for augmented images, while ARKit has better support for face tracking and 3D scanning.

Wikitude vs Vuforia

Wikitude and Vuforia are two popular AR SDKs that allow developers to create AR experiences for mobile and web applications. Both of these tools use image recognition technology to place digital objects in real-world environments. However, there are some differences between the two. Wikitude is known for its simplicity and ease of use, while Vuforia has more advanced features, such as 3D object recognition and extended tracking.

Unity vs Unreal Engine 4

Unity and Unreal Engine 4 are two popular game engines that can also be used for AR development. Both tools offer robust AR support, allowing developers to create complex AR experiences. However, there are some differences between the two. Unity is known for its accessibility and ease of use, making it a great option for beginner developers. Unreal Engine 4, on the other hand, is known for its high-quality graphics and advanced features, making it a better option for more experienced developers.

AR Trends Comparison

In addition to AR tools, there are several AR trends that are currently shaping the industry. These trends are driving innovation and providing new opportunities for AR developers. Here are some of the latest AR trends and how they compare:

Location-Based AR vs Marker-Based AR

Location-based AR and marker-based AR are two popular types of AR experiences. Location-based AR uses GPS technology to create AR experiences that are tied to real-world locations. Marker-based AR, on the other hand, uses image recognition technology to place digital objects in real-world environments. Both types of AR have their own advantages and disadvantages, making it important for developers to carefully consider their options before choosing a type of AR experience for their project.

Wearable AR vs Mobile AR

Wearable AR and mobile AR are two popular ways to experience AR. Wearable AR, such as Microsoft's HoloLens or Google's Glass, allows users to experience AR hands-free, making it ideal for industrial and enterprise applications. Mobile AR, on the other hand, uses smartphones and tablets to provide AR experiences on the go. Both types of AR have their own strengths and limitations, making it important for developers to choose the right platform for their project.


As AR technology continues to evolve, new trends and tools will continue to emerge, each bringing unique features and benefits for users. By comparing these trends and tools, developers can make more informed decisions about which ones to use for their projects. Whether you are developing a mobile app, a game, or an enterprise solution, AR can enhance the user experience and bring digital content to life in ways we never thought possible.


  1. ARCore vs ARKit: Which one is best for your augmented reality app?
  2. Wikitude vs Vuforia: A Comparison of Two Augmented Reality SDKs
  3. Unity vs Unreal Engine: Which Game Engine Is Best for You?
  4. Marker vs. Markerless AR: A Complete Comparison
  5. Wearable AR vs. Mobile AR: Which is the Future of Augmented Reality?

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